Wednesday, June 1, 2016

‘We'll Wash Away All The Black!’ -- Another Racist Russian Marketing Ploy Targets Obama

There was the cutting board sold in the central Russian city of Kazan depicting Barack Obama with the ears of a monkey.
There was the laser image projected onto a Moscow apartment building showing Obama eating a banana.
Now, to the growing list of public racism targeting the U.S. president, add this: a car wash located in the Far Eastern city of Blagoveshchensk.
The business is called Abama, which is close to the Russian pronunciation of Obama’s name. The banner on its façade over the entrance features a crudely drawn picture of Obama grimacing, along with the promise: “We Will Wash Away All The Black.”
A tweet from the spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in Moscow:
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In what appeared to be a reference to the erroneous Russian impression that the United States has provided weaponry to Ukraine in its fight against Russia-backed separatists, another said: “Obama deserves it in my opinion. A thousand of my countrymen have been killed by weapons he has supplied and sold.”
The United States has not provided lethal military equipment to Ukraine.

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