A blogger and journalist Vyacheslav Poezdnik from Dnipropetrovsk, posted
a video that shows a Ukrainian soldier cutting up frozen meat with a chainsaw.
On the video, one can see the meat has been stamped with the figures “10-01-68.” Poezdnik then comes to
the absurd and incorrect conclusion that the meat is from 1968 and is to be fed
to other Ukrainian solders.The Ukrainian and Russian media picked up on this
story, further perpetuating that the meat served to soldiers was 47-years-old.
It can be read on online resources.

The stamp in fact lists the place of production, and not the date. The
three sets of numbers indicate, respectively, the region of production, the
district or city, and the exact enterprise. (#10-01-68 indicates the Kyiv
region, Belotcercivsky district, the city of Uzin, and LLC Visit.)