Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Effects of war on children

Millions of children and young people worldwide are affected by armed conflict. They are confronted with physical harm, violence, danger, exploitation, fear and loss. Many children are forced to flee. Some witness the death of loved ones. Some are forced to pull the trigger themselves. Communities are ripped apart and can no longer provide a secure environment for children. 
Adults are busy surviving, parents have little time for their children. Schools and playgrounds are damaged or taken over by armed groups.
During conflict, children and young people’s rights are violated on a massive scale; their rights to be protected from violence, abuse and neglect, to live in dignity and be supported to develop to their full potential.
Loss of trust 
As a consequence of conflict, children and young people can lose their confidence, their trust in others and their trust in the future. They often become anxious, depressed and withdrawn, or rebellious and aggressive.
Protective environment 
Growing up in a protective environment is essential for children and young people to develop to their full potential. War Child’s programmes support children and young people to regain their confidence and build positive relationships with their peers, families and wider communities. They can play and have fun together, learn and develop. With a positive outlook, children and young people can shape their own futures and contribute to a peaceful future for their communities.
Because no child should be part of war. Ever.

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